Not Only A Unique Combination, Check Out Other Tips To Strengthen Kaspersky's Password

JAKARTA - Kaspersky's latest report found that 45 percent or 87 million passwords of the 193 million codewords analyzed were predictable by fraudsters in one minute.

Among the most popular vocabularies, some groups can be distinguished:

According to Kaspersky's Head of Digital Footprint Intelligence, Yuliya Novikova, there are many people who unconsciously create passwords with words from the dictionary in their original language, such as displaying names and numbers. etc.

Even combinations that seem strong even though they are rarely really random, so they are predictable with algorithms. Therefore, the most appropriate solution is to create really random passwords using modern and reliable password managers.

However, to strengthen your password policy, use the following simple tips from Kaspersky:

Almost impossible to remember long and unique passwords for all the services you use, but with password managers, you can only remember one major password.

Use a different password for each service. That way, even if one account is stolen, another account will not be stolen.

The password phrase may be safer if unexpected words are used. Even if you use general words, you can compile them in an unusual order and make sure those words are not related. There is also an online service that will help you check if the password is strong enough.

It is better not to use easy-to-gue passwords from your personal information, such as date of birth, the name of a family member, pet, or your own name. This is often the first guess that the attacker will try.

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). Although not directly linked to password power, activating 2FA adds to extra security layers.

Even if someone knows your password, they still need a second form of verification to access your account. Modern password managers store 2FA keys and secure them with the latest encryption algorithms.

Don't forget to use reliable security solutions to increase your protection. This monitors the internet and Dark Web and warns if your password needs to be changed.