PKT Maintenance Of Roads And Bridges Absorbs 51,964 Workers Until Mid-2024

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) noted that the absorption of cash labor (PKT) for road and bridge maintenance in mid-2024 reached 51,964 people.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the development of labor-intensive infrastructure aims to create jobs and increase people's purchasing power.

"PKT also aims to distribute funds to villages/employees," said Basuki in his official statement, Monday, June 24.

Basuki said the Ministry of PUPR in the 2024 fiscal year (TA) will continue the people's infrastructure program in the field of roads and bridges carried out under a Cash Labor Intensive (PKT) scheme.

The PKT budget is implemented for the handling of national roads carried out by all National Road Implementation Centers (BBPJN)/National Road Implementation Sections (BPJN) throughout Indonesia.

"The PKT program of the Ministry of PUPR is carried out through infrastructure development that involves the community/local residents as development actors, especially small-scale infrastructure or simple jobs that do not require technology," he said.

Pada TA 2024, Kementerian PUPR melalui Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga mengalokasikan anggaran program PKT sebesar Rp2 triliun untuk pekerjaan rutin jalan dan jembatan serta kegiatan kontraktual (nonrutin) tersebar di 1.487 lokasi.

As recorded in the E-Monitoring system of the Ministry of PUPR as of June 20, 2024, PKT's physical work on roads and bridges has been realized 40.48 percent with labor absorption reaching 51,964 people or the equivalent of 1,823,063 Work People's Day (HOK).

The PKT achievement includes routine road maintenance work, such as cleaning of road medians and painting markings with a physical progress of 39.39 percent.

This activity has exceeded the absorption of 32,068 workers from the target of 24,730 people.

Furthermore, routine maintenance of road conditions with physical progress reached 39.17 percent and absorbed 3,521 workers.

According to Basuki, routine PKT work is also distributed through bridge maintenance work, such as painting the bridge frame.

He added that PKT's physical work on bridge maintenance was realized by 32.86 percent and absorbed 11,071 workers from the target of 8,790 people or greater than the target.

"Then also road supporting/holding work which has physically reached 43.60 percent and absorbs 1,765 workers," he added.