Ridwan Kamil Said Jakarta Needs A Leader Who Can Imaginate

Ridwan Kamil is widely referred to as one of the names that is considered to be competing in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. According to the former Governor of West Java, Jakarta needs a leader who has imagination.

"Jakarta is a place for world-class ideas. Why? Because there is potential support, as well as infrastructure and budget, what is needed is a leader who has imagination. Jakarta needs change," said Ridwan Kamil as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, June 23.

This was conveyed by Ridwan Kamil when giving his views on the future of Jakarta at the Consolidation of Our Volunteers (RK) in Jakarta, Saturday (22/6).

According to him, the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada is historic because it coincides with the construction of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN).

He also said that Jakarta as a city that has grown for a long time does not need to be afraid of the release of the status of the capital city of Indonesia which will be transferred to IKN.

"Jakarta does not need to be afraid of IKN because Jakarta will still have its own relevance as a city that has existed for hundreds of years," said Ridwan Kamil, who is the curator of IKN.

He then highlighted various problems that Jakarta was facing, one of which was air pollution.

According to him, the conditions that occur in Jakarta cannot be separated from the conditions that occur at the global and surrounding levels.

"Leading Jakarta must understand its neighboring areas, namely West Java and Banten. Jakarta must be a 'good brother' for the surrounding cities and districts," he said.

He added that a good and humane city is when people prefer to gather outdoors rather than indoors and that can happen when conditions are safe, comfortable, and friendly.

Meanwhile, General Chairperson of our Volunteers Henry Baskoro said that a volunteer group was formed some time ago when there was news that Ridwan Kamil would run in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

"This group is independent, does not represent political parties, and comes from various groups in Jakarta that have the same aspiration, namely making Ridwan Kamil governor of Jakarta," Henry said during the consolidation event.

He said that currently, Volunteers We already have coordinators in five administrative cities and Pulau Seribu Regency, and will be equipped with appointing sub-district and sub-district-level coordinators after the consolidation is held.

In addition to the structure of territorial development, he added that our Volunteers will also form organizations for more specific communities, such as women, millennials, gen Z, workers, disabilities, the elderly, education, and MSME players and the creative industry.