Focus On Printing 1,000 Agricultural Bachelors, Construction Of TNI AD Agricultural Vocational Schools Speeded Up

Jakarta - Founder of the JHL Red and White Kasih Foundation (JHL Foundation), Jerry Hermawan Lo, collaborated with the Army (AD) to build an Agricultural Vocational High School (SMK) in the Ciemas, Sukabumi, West Java.

This TNI AD Agricultural Vocational School will later stand on the Hanpangan Kostrad land in Ciemas. The construction of the Agricultural Vocational School is now being accelerated. It is targeted that the school for the nation's children will be completed this year and can operate in the 2025-2026 school year.

"The construction plan is completed this year so that the operation of the school year can be carried out next year," said Jerry.

Jerry revealed that the Agricultural Vocational School was only inaugurated by the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Maruli Simanjuntak on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

After the inauguration, the hall building and dormitory were immediately carried out for students to stay at.

"Currently, the physical construction of the hall and dormitory is being carried out," he said.

The JHL Group boss said that for the first year, Agricultural Vocational Schools will produce 40 students and will continue to pass hundreds to thousands of students who have good provisions for farming.

For students of the Agricultural Vocational School, later they will not only come from the area around Sukabumi, but also from all corners of the country.

"Every year we take 40 students. So a total of 120 students for three years," said Jerry again.

Jerry emphasized that he was very focused on self-sufficiency in food. The reason is, Indonesia's natural resources are quite abundant and the land is quite fertile.

According to him, there are five things needed so that Indonesia can be stronger in managing food self-sufficiency. The first is natural resources. In this case, Indonesia has abundant natural resources. The second is infrastructure.

"Since President Jokowi's leadership (Joko Widodo), infrastructure development has been extraordinary. So, the transportation of natural products from the village to the city has been much better," he said.

The third is law enforcement. So far, according to Jerry, law enforcement in Indonesia has been going well.

Then the fourth thing is human resources (HR). In this case, Jerry wants to increase human resources that can manage natural wealth with a program of 1,000 agricultural scholars.

Lastly is the participation of investors. Investors are really needed. Jerry also hopes that many entrepreneurs are interested in helping manage the lands throughout the region.

Thus, people in the regions also have the opportunity to improve welfare from the use of land in agriculture and plantations.

"Many entrepreneurs have contacted me and are interested in participating in the program to score 1,000 agricultural scholars. In fact, some entrepreneurs want their land to be managed to be able to support this program," said Jerry.

It is the enthusiasm of these entrepreneurs that further strengthens Jerry that the program to score 1,000 agricultural scholars is something that can be realized.

"This is all for Indonesia's stronger in self-sufficiency in food," he said.