Admits There Is No Regret Entering Detention Center, Ahok: This Helps Me

JAKARTA - The former governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), admitted that he did not regret having been in prison due to the blasphemy case that happened to him.

If given the opportunity to repeat time to avoid being locked up, Ahok admitted that he did not want to choose that.

"If you are asked if you are annoyed or not in detention? If you can turn this world around, do you want to be like this? I want to be like this. Why? Because this helps me," Ahok said at the Ask Ahok Anything Offline event in Central Jakarta, Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Ahok did not deny that during his tenure as Governor of DKI Jakarta, he was considered arrogant and harsh. If he is not in prison, Ahok feels that his old behavior will not change.

You see, while in detention, Ahok often fills activities by writing Mandarin. Ahok admitted that this can train his patience in his attitude.

"Imagine if yesterday I became governor again, elected. With such a high level of confidence, such a degree of insistence, maybe I went to prison to shoot people, times. Humans are like that. Adding time, added pede being arrogant, adding confidence," explained Ahok.

The PDIP politician admitted that his prison term of one year and eight months turned out to make him a more diplomatic person.

"I'm still stating the truth, but I have to see it. In the past, there was a truth, for example, water but it was called whiskey, I asked for a fuss. But now why are you inviting a fuss? Yes, it's done, whiskey, yes, whiskey, that's it. So, people see how Ahok has changed, yes," he said.