Seller MS GLOW Beauty Simultaneously Sacrifices Shares More Than 4 Tons Of Meat At Eid Al-Adha 1445 H

JAKARTA - In commemoration of Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriah, MS GLOW Beauty again demonstrated its commitment to sharing goodness by carrying out sacrificial activities. Through the MS GLOW Beauty Simultaneous Victims program, this year MS GLOW Beauty donated a total of 14 cows, with a total of more than 4 tons of meat distributed to various regions in Indonesia.

The Eid al-Adha Sacrifice this time is a form of collaboration between MS GLOW Beauty and sellers from various cities, including Pekanbaru, Karawang, Labuan Bajo NTT, Ngawi, and Sidoarjo. The slaughter and distribution of sacrificial meat was carried out simultaneously on Eid al-Adha 1445 H, to be precise on Monday, June 17, 2024.

Of the total 14 cows, MS GLOW Beauty provided 7 limousine cattle weighing more than 1 ton. A total of 5 limousine cows were slaughtered at the MS GLOW Beauty office at Pakis Malang, one was donated to the mosque, and the other was donated to the Asrikaton Village Office, Pakis, Malang. Meanwhile, there are a total of 7 cows of other types that are sacrificed in various regions.

For the 7 limousine cows that were sacrificed at the head office in Malang, MS GLOW Beauty stated it for 49 employee names. Each year, alternately, MS GLOW Beauty employees have the opportunity to join in the sacrifice. In 2024, there are 7 cows each scheduled for 7 people.

"MashaAllah, thank God this year we got the opportunity to sacrifice from one of the cows in the office. Thank you Mrs. Shandy Purnamasari and Mr. Gilang for this opportunity," said Dewi Ratna, one of the employees of the central MS GLOW Beauty office in Malang.

MS GLOW Beauty sellers participate by carrying out the slaughter and distribution of sacrificial meat in their respective regions. This step ensures that the reach of aid can be wider and evenly distributed, so that more people feel the benefits of the MS GLOW Beauty Simultaneous Victim program.

With a total of 14 cows sacrificed, it was recorded that more than 3000 sacrificial packages were distributed. With the spirit of sharing, MS GLOW Beauty ensures that this sacrificial meat is accepted by those in need, including the community around the central MS GLOW Beauty office in Malang, and in the sellers' areas.

The sacrificial meat package was also distributed to all MS GLOW Beauty employees, both internal, external, and outsource. Each meat package is distributed in a coordinated manner at the MS GLOW Beauty office and other organizing areas.

Not just fun, this activity is a form of MS GLOW Beauty's commitment as a form of social concern. This sacrificial activity is also part of MS GLOW Beauty's responsibility as a company that continues to make a positive impact on the environment and society.

"Thank you MS GLOW. Hopefully next year there will still be more distribution of sacrifices like this," said one resident who received the sacrificial package.

The MS GLOW Beauty Simultaneous Victim program cannot be separated from cooperation and coordination from various parties. It is hoped that this activity is really on target and can help the surrounding community who are right on target.