Meeting JICA, Minister Basuki Encourages Acceleration Of Flood Management Projects In Jabodetabek
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono encouraged the acceleration of the integrated urban flood management project in Jabodetabek to reduce the impact of damage caused by hydrometeorological disasters in the region.
"The Integrated Urban Flood Management project aims to reduce the impact of flood damage in Jabodetabek," Basuki said in his official statement, Friday, June 21.
Basuki said that integrated urban flood management can be carried out through the implementation of comprehensive flood control measures, such as river repairs, river base excavation and edge protection, retaining ponds and shortcuts.
Meanwhile, Basuki previously held a meeting with Senior Deputy Director of Southeast Asia Division Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Hidenori Hashimoto at the PUPR Ministry Building, Jakarta, Thursday, June 20.
The meeting discussed the Integrated Urban Flood Management project (Integrated Urban Flood Management) in Jabodetabek.
In addition, the meeting also discussed the potential for cooperation in other infrastructure fields such as roads, bridges, housing and development of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).
On that occasion, Basuki also appreciated the results of the study submitted by Yachiyo Engineering Consultant JICA and encouraged the acceleration of the work of Integrated Urban Flood Management in Jabodetabek.
"I am grateful for the JICA grant which has helped in the project preparation survey which will take place from 2023-2025. I hope that construction for 1 or 2 components of work can start immediately in the period 2025-2029," he said.
In the Integrated Urban Flood Management project, said Basuki, there were also work packages that included operation to change the Bekasi Dam and retention ponds in the Bekasi, Cikeas and Cileungsi rivers, increased channels, retention ponds and underground channels in West Jakarta, excavation stations and pumps in East Jakarta as well as maintenance of the Sabi tributaries to the Cisadane River.
In addition, Basuki also conveyed the potential collaboration for Japanese investors in the Bandung Intra Urban Toll Road (BIUTR) project funded using the KPBU Support-Built-Operate-Transfer (SBOT) scheme with a total investment value of IDR 12.5 trillion.
He also discussed the potential for cooperation in the field of IKN development and other infrastructure projects.
Following up on the request of the Ministry of PUPR to the new Japanese Ambassador in Indonesia at the March 2024 bilateral meeting for connectivity support at IKN, the potential for cooperation, including road construction to connect the herded tunnel area with IKN and flood anticipation studies in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).
"Currently, the Ministry of PUPR has compiled a flood management program at IKN. We hope that JICA's support will review the program," said Basuki.
Basuki thanked the Japanese Government and JICA for their cooperation and support to the Government of Indonesia so far, including support in the implementation of the 10th World Water Forum in May 2024 in Bali.
"Moreover, with the presence of the Japan Pavilion and the presence of the Japanese delegation which had a major impact on the implementation of the forum. Hopefully, our cooperation and collaboration in the future will continue well," he said.
Sementara itu, Senior Deputy Director of Southeast Asia Division JICA Hidenori Hashimoto menilai, wilayah Jabodetabek sangat membutuhkan flood control measurement.
"Currently, preparations are being carried out, including the Central Jakarta and Bekasi areas as well as in the final stages of determining the basic design. JICA has started its preparatory survey since April 2024 and plans to implement its appraisal by the end of 2024," he added.