Cyber Expert Suspects PDN Disorders Occurred Due To Ransomware Attacks

JAKARTA - Cyber observer and Chairman of the Pratama Persadha Cyber Security Research Institute (CISSReC) suspected that the cause of disruption to the National Data Center (PDN) system was the DDoS attack or ransomware.

According to Pratama, there have been several factors that have caused total disruption to immigration system services at Soekarno-Hatta airport since Thursday, June 20. Among them are electricity supply disruptions, server damage, internet connection disruptions, and cyber attacks such as DDoS or Ransomware.

Although the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has not confirmed the cause of the disturbance, according to Pratama, if a disturbance occurs due to a cyber attack, then the risk that threatens will be even greater.

Because this interference will not only interfere with the service but can also cause the leak of personal data. It is even more dangerous if hackers can access the server in PDN.

Because this will not only happen to data leakage at the Directorate General of Immigration, but also other institutions that use GDP to store public data.

"If you look at the pattern of disturbances that occur, it is possible that the problems that occur in PDN are caused by cyber attacks using the ransomware method, such as what happened to Bank Syariah Indonesia before," said Pratama in an official statement received on Friday, June 21.

Because according to him, if indeed the problem faced by PDN is a technical problem, it will not take that long.

"By seeing this incident, using PDN can endanger the country if it is not equipped with strong security, so that each government agency hosting PDN must make a strong Business Continuity Plan (BCP) so that it does not depend 100 percent on PDN infrastructure," he continued.

Pratama juga menegaskan bahwa saat ini PDN dipergunakan oleh layanan seluruh instansi pemerintahan, sehingga masalah seperti ini tidak seharusnya terjadi kepada sebuah data center seperti PDN.

"Moreover, for government services, various security factors have been considered in the form of redundancy, both in terms of hardware, such as servers and storage media, electricity supply from several different substations and UPS (Unintetuptinle Power System) as well as Internet connections from several ISPs," he concluded.