Kupas Tuntas Various Updates Of Advanced Technology In Nmax TURBO Machines

JAKARTA - Yamaha Nmax Turbo which recently launched received updates in various sectors from the previous version, including a more sporting design display and other interesting features. Not only that, major changes also target the kitchen area of the motorbike, which now uses the latest generation Blue Core 155cc VVA engine which adopts the Yamaha Electric Continuous Variable Transmission (YECVT) technology, so as to bring the sensation of TURBO while driving.

Interestingly, the use of this new engine is not only able to produce a maximum power of 11.3 kW at 8,000 rpm and a maximum torque that rose to 14.2 Nm at 6,500 rpm (Torsion in the previous model was 13.9 Nm / 6,500 rpm), but also presents several new features, namely Riding Mode and also Y-shift. Since it was officially introduced to the public, NMAX TURBO has succeeded in attracting the attention of premium scutik lovers in the country. Not only viral on social media, various "An update on motorbikes, especially the use of YECVT technology in the engine department, has become a topic of curiosity for consumers," said Asst General Manager Marketing Public Relations, PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg Antonius Widiantoro, Friday, June 21. The following are the various updates that exist on NMAX TURBO, especially in the heart sector: 1. Yamaha Electric Continuous Variable Transmission (YECVT) It should be noted, the most prominent difference in the Nmax engine Turbo is the use of YECVT technology that replaces conventional CVT systems, where the way it works utilizes rollers with centrifugal motion. YECVT itself works by utilizing special electrical components that include Control Units, Actuators as well as several Sensors that get 2 years warranty and have the following function:- Transition Control Unit (TCU): Regulates the movement of the motor's ECVT by informing the condition of the ECVT to Smart Generator Control Unit (SGCU)- ECVT Motor: Mobilize Pulley Primary-Censor Motor Position (Primary): Detect Pulley Primary movement and provide input to Transition Control Unit (TCU)- Speed Sensor (Secondary): Detect Secondary Pulley movement and provide input to TCU Meanwhile for the YECVT driving component itself, consisting of Primary Sheave Assy (treat-free), Fixedction Assy, Slideping The diameter of Pully is also in the design of 10mm larger, V-belt is 0.8mm wider, and Spring Secondary is longer and harder in the CVT NMAX TURBO area, making motor acceleration more responsive. With the addition of YECVT technology to the Nmax TURBO machine, this sticker is equipped with advanced features that support the quality of driving at the highest level, namely Riding Mode with 2 driving options which include S-Mode (for long-distance travel or touring) and T-Mode (for urban mobility) as well as Y-Shift which helps motorists increase acceleration or acceleration instantly at 3 levels, Low (1), Medium (2) and High (3).

2. Body Cylinder Furthermore, there is the latest generation of Blue Core 155cc VVA machines on Nmax TURBO which also has the Cylinder walls made as smooth as possible (Bore Cylinder Mirror) to minimize friction and reduce oil loss''. The effect is that the engine sound becomes even smoother and minimally vibrating 3. Other Rankshaft & Rotor Assy Changes in the Nmax TURBO engine are also found in the total what is now becoming longer, namely 301,4mm compared to 283,8mm with the previous generation NMAX. Such a change in size occurs to accommodate the new component, namely the YECVT Gear, which is installed in the CVT motor area. Apart from the Crabshaft, the Assy motor rotor is also now becoming more compact both in terms of the total dimension which now measures 43.75mmm (the previous NMAX 44,2mm) as well as the weights that are now 1.130 gr (the previous NMAX 1,250 gr). The efficiency in the rotor acty part is also able to reduce the engine load so that it has a positive impact on the up-torque.4. Camshaft share in Nmax TURBO also gets a touch of renewal. If in previous NMAX generation the pin dowel which served as a cross-section of the cam chain cam is made separately, it is now one unit (build in) with Camshaft. The effect becomes more rigid so that there is more minimal friction.

5. Hydraulic Tensioner Salah satu perubahan pada mesin Blue Core 155cc VVA generasi terbaru yang digunakan oleh Nmax TURBO ada pada bagian tensioner. Jika pada mesin generasi sebelumnya gate stopper (bantalan untuk menekankan keteng) hanya ditekan oleh per dan lever, kali ini proses tegas dilakukan dengan menkombinasikan per dan juga olimpi, atau disebut dengan term Hydraulic Tensioner. Penggunaan Hydraulic Tensioner, membuat kiner menjadi lebih minimik vibrasi dan suara lebih lebih masin saat beroper.6. Jalan Oli Baru Salah satu peruhan signifikan pada mesinyara Nmax TURBO adalah jalan oli baru. Pada mesin Nmax sebelumnya, jalur oli hanya untuk mengproduk menyumpsi lubrikusan di bagian Cylinder Head dan Cylinder Body saja, namun kini ditam ditambahkan ke bagian Hydraulic Tensioner dan juga kolemen YECVT Gear Gear. Dengan adapat penggara oli baru ini, maka desain krencese menjadi berbeda dengan mesinyara Blue Core 155cc yang digunakan oleh skutik MAXi Yamaha lainnya.