Without Drugs, These Are 6 Yoga Movements That Can Cure Stomach Acid
YOGYAKARTA stomach acid often recurs when it is experiencing pressure or stress. Stomach acid or called GERD (gastroesophageal reflectux), which is caused by acid backflow from the stomach to the concavity resulting in acid reflux.
Stomach acid can make it start and feel bad at the back of the throat. This acid reflux affects many people in general. Launching Healthline, Friday, June 21, 20 percent of adults in Western countries, experience acid reflux. If you experience acid reflux more than twice a week, or start affecting everyday life, may suffer from a disease called GERD disease.
In a 2014 study, 45.6 percent of people who experienced GERD were influenced by lifestyle factors. Another study, reported in 2021, found that those with high stress scores may experience symptoms of GERD. The author of this study reports that stress management is the key to prevent and manage GERD. Therefore, yoga and other mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, are recommended by GERD sufferers.
yoga and meditation expert Barbara Kaplan Herring explains. You can practice yoga to reduce the symptoms of digestive problems. For yoga that heals stomach acid, here are the movements:
Everyone has a different response to every yoga movement. Especially for those of you who suffer from GERD, if you do six yoga moves that heal the stomach acid above and feel uncomfortable, then you don't have to keep doing it. More importantly, talk to yoga teachers about the complaints you're experiencing. Teachers may be able to provide movement modifications whose positions do not worsen GERD symptoms.
In addition to undergoing yoga for GERD recovery regularly, it is also important to adjust your lifestyle. Pay attention to the diet and food you eat. Eat small but more often. Then, give a break 2-3 hours after eating before lying down. Next, use a higher pillow while sleeping so that the stomach is below the concavity. Finally, avoid wearing tight clothes on the stomach because it can worsen symptoms of stomach acid.