HKBP Menteng Strengthens Independent Curriculum For PAUD Teachers In Toba Regency

TOBA - As part of the 2024 annual program, Koor Ama HKBP Menteng (KAHM) carried out the Merdeka Curriculum Implementation Training in Increasing Competency for PAUD Teachers throughout Toba Regency on June 12 - 14, 2024.

KAHM believes, early childhood education greatly determines children's growth and development. Quality education about character and independence will have a good impact in their lives in the next 20-25 years. The process of becoming qualified people will provide multiplier effects for homes, schools and the surrounding environment.

The training event, which was attended by 60 PAUD teachers, was opened by the Head of Youth and Sports Education Office of Kab. Toba, Rikardo Hutajulu. The purpose of this activity is so that teachers understand how the Merdeka Curriculum is used as the main reference for the plan to carry out learning and translate it into daily teaching and learning activities in schools.

To realize this activity, KAHM collaborated with the Reachout Foundation and the Surya Kasih Education Institute Foundation, as implementers in the field, including certified resource persons as well as training materials for the program itself.

KAHM hopes that PAUD teachers will be more creative and innovative in using educational play tools from the surrounding environment so that they create an interesting and fun teaching and learning atmosphere for students.

This PAUD teacher training is very important and needed in the Tapanuli area, KAHM hopes that activities like this can be continued, expanded, and developed so that our next generation can become a generation of stars who bless Indonesia to become Indonesia Gold 2045.