Trump Says Every Stranger Who Graduates From US Universities Must Get A Green Card

JAKARTA - Former president Donald Trump said in a podcast aired on Thursday, foreigners graduating from college in the United States should get a Green Card to stay in the country, in contrast to his tough stance on immigration.

In the All-In podcast hosted by Silicon Valley technology investor Jason Calacanis told Trump. Uncle Sam's country should be able to legally maintain more high-performance workers, which is a major problem for the tech industry.

"Can you promise us that you will give us more ability to import the best and most intelligent around the world to America?" asked Calacanis, according to Reuters on June 21.

"I promise," Trump said.

"But I agree, if not, I will not promise. You graduate from college, I think you should automatically get a Green Card as part of your diploma to be able to live in this country. That also applies to junior colleges," explained the presidential candidate in the 2024 US presidential election from the Republican Party.

The Green Card, also known as a permanent identity card, gives individuals the right to stay and work permanently in the United States and is a step towards citizenship.

It is unclear whether Trump refers to all foreigners, including those who come to the United States illegally or exceed the validity period of their visas, or only those who have student visas.

Asked for comment on this, Trump's campaign team said in a statement, only after "the most aggressive inspection process in US history" "the most skilled graduates who could make a significant contribution to America" could stay.

On the other hand, an immigration advocate is not sure about Trump's proposal.

"I almost laughed because his government adopted various policies aimed at limiting student visas and making it difficult for people to live in this country after graduation," said Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, policy director at the American Immigration Council.

It is known, during his 2017-2021 presidential term, Trump took steps aimed at curbing the use of skilled foreign workers by US companies with H-1B visas, the main visa option for international students who wish to stay in the United States.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump Administration tried to force tens of thousands of foreign students to leave the country if their schools held all classes online.

Facing lawsuits and strong opposition from universities and universities, the Trump Administration later overturned the order.

Trump himself has vowed to take a broad crackdown if re-elected in November's election against Democratic candidate Joe Biden, condemned incumbent attempts to illegally curb record numbers of migrants crossing the US.