Bamsoet's Defense Not Attending MKD's Summons: Sudden Invitation

JAKARTA - The House of Representatives' Honorary Court (MKD) canceled holding an ethics trial against the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo following his statement regarding the political parties agreeing to amend the 1945 Constitution yesterday. Because Bamsoet was not present so that MKD rescheduled the summons next month. Even though Bamsoet lettered to MKD regarding his absence but was rejected. Bamsoet then defended. According to Bamsoet, the invitation for clarification from the Constitutional Court suddenly. So as the leader of the MPR, Bamsoet cannot leave the scheduled agenda. As stipulated in the MKD Certificate Procedure article 23 paragraph 1 which states that MKD submitted a summons to Teradu, both in Complaints and Cases without Complaints, with a copy to the leadership of the Defendant faction no later than 7 (seven) days before the MKD Session.

"I just received the invitation yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon dated June 19, 2024 after the Four Pillars Socialization event at the MPR. Meanwhile, I am bound by an agenda that was scheduled long before," said Bamsoet in Jakarta, Thursday, June 20.

The chairman of the 20th DPR RI said that although he was not present, the Secretary General of the MPR RI had conveyed a notification of his absence with a flashdisk and transcript of his full statement or statement which became material for clarification following the Legal View from the Legal Bureau of the Secretary General of the MPR RI.

"As a form of clarification on the complaint submitted to the DPR RI MKD, I have sent a video recording along with a transcript of the coverage narrative from one of the national TV media in a press conference on June 5, 2024 which was used as the basis for the complaint material. At the same time, to clarify that the complaint submitted to the MKD of the DPR RI is not appropriate," said Bamsoet. "It is even reasonable to suspect that the reporter has spread false news or hoaxes that are contrary to the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions, it also tends to attack the honor of the MPR leadership," said Bamsoet.

The deputy chairman of the Golkar Party emphasized that he had never stated that all political parties agreed to amend the improvement of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. However, it began with the word "if/if", so that the statement did not contain the meaning of prestige in order to advance the existing political parties. As documented in television media coverage.

"So, it's wrong if I say I don't respect the invitation of friends at MKD. In fact, I am happy because I can straighten out false accusations in the right place," said Bamsoet.

According to Bamsoet, summons by MKD must be seen in the framework of institutional relations between the DPR and the MPR. So it would be more appropriate if the summons was carried out through an introductory letter from the leadership of the DPR as an institutional representation. "However, I will come to fulfill the invitation for the next clarification from the DPR MKD," concluded Bamsoet. Previously, the Chairman of the DPR MKD, Adang Daradjatun, said Bamsoet as the defendant had conveyed his absence from the summons scheduled by the MKD on Thursday, June 20 at 10.00 WIB. With the absence of the Golkar politician, said Adang, MKD would delay the trial with a maximum period of 30 days after the first summons to Bamsoet. "A summons will also be submitted to the person concerned," said Adang, Thursday, June 20.

Later, said the PKS politician, if Bamsoet did not fulfill the MKD's summons three times in a row since the first summons was submitted. So, MKD will take a firm stance regarding this matter. "MKD will hold a meeting to make a decision if the defendant does not fulfill the summons three times," said Adang.

As is known, the invitation to clarify to Bamsoet by the DPR MKD regarding Muhammad Azhari's complaint on June 6, 2024, was based on Bamsoet's statement in online media which was deemed to state that all political parties had agreed to amend the 1945 Constitution.

In his report, Azhari, said Bamsoet was not in the capacity to declare such a matter publicly.