Deputy Minister Of SOEs: BSI Active Contributes To Competing JCI

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said that PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk or BSI (BRIS) was actively contributing to encouraging the combined stock price index (IHSG).

The man who is familiarly called Tiko explained that BSI's contribution was in line with the high growth of the market value with annual stock price growth or year on year (yoy) reaching 30 percent.

"Companies are open with high market value growth with 30 percent yoy growth and 31 percent ytd growth and are classified as companies that actively contribute to the stock exchange and encourage the JCI," he said at the BSI International Expo event, at JCC, Jakarta, Thursday, June 20.

Tiko also said that BSI was also included in the ranks of the Top 10 Global Islamic Bank in terms of market capital. This achievement was achieved in line with the soaring share price of issuers, which succeeded in pushing the company's market cap at its peak on March 13, 2024, which reached Rp. 131.47 trillion.

Furthermore, Tiko also said that the merger or merger of Bank Syariah Indonesia on February 1, 2021 was a tangible manifestation of the transformation carried out by the Ministry of SOEs.

"In terms of financial performance, BSI is the only Sharia Bank in the ranks of the Top 10 Bank Indonesia with the fifth ranking position in Indonesia with total assets reaching IDR 353.4 trillion and net profit in 2023 reaching IDR 5.7 trillion," he explained.

Tiko also revealed that BSI is the largest zakat-payer Islamic bank in Indonesia. In fact, the value reached IDR 222 billion in 2023.

"Alhamdulillah, BSI is also the largest zakat contributor in Indonesia, which is IDR 222 billion in 2023 and God willing, it will continue to increase every year," he said.