Preparations For Children To Enter Kindergarten School: Read This So As Not To Be Confused Later

YOGYAKARTA - Preparations for children to enter kindergarten schools in various regions in our country during the new school year often confuse us as parents. Especially when it's the first time you send children to school. You can't go carelessly without plans if you don't want to be bothered later.

The times when they enter school are quite important moments for a child, because now they will start new activities as a student. Therefore, parents play an important role in preparing themselves to start entering new things.

Perhaps this will be a pretty challenging matter, especially for parents who don't have experience. So, so you don't get confused, you can follow some of the tips below!

I. Children's Physical Preparation

Facilitating children is an early aspect that parents must pay attention to. Reporting from a media, Sylvia Rath, a Parenting Specialist, mentions these preparations, including training children to get to their own toilets, wearing clothes and shoes, rearranging their nap schedules, training them so they can eat on their own, and so on.

While at school, you can't accompany your child all the time so he teaches him to go to the toilet himself to help the learning process. Not only that, if the child has a nap schedule of 2 times, make sure to practice it so that the nap time is enough to be done once after school.

II. Teach Basic Skills and Socialization

You may agree that social skills need to be instilled from an early age. Therefore, when before you start school, you should train him to be able to socialize with peers, considering that later at school he will meet with the environment and new friends. Rath narrated, at the age of 3 or 4 years, try to encourage your son to be able to play independently or teach him to socialize with other people. You can take him to go to the playground or can also pretend as if you are someone else who wants to play with him.

So that children get used to the school environment, try to start introducing them to books. Rath gives tips, you can start reading stories about going to school to make them get an idea. This step can make children accustomed to sitting still and paying attention for a certain period of time.

III. Take ADVANTAGE Of Every Moment To Learn New Things

Children naturally have a fairly large interest in the new things they meet. As good parents, you must be able to guide them to answer various questions. It would be even better if you always slipped various simple lessons about life to him.

Using each moment to provide simple lessons so that you can train your child to be critical. So, in the future your child will become more thirsty for information and play an active role throughout his education life at his school.

IV. Help Children Improve Their Smooth Motoric Skills

Childhood period is a time when children will learn more about creativity than other education. So, to prepare for this, you can try to develop your fine motor skills.

For example, playing by making crafts by giving colors, cutting, and gluing. Reporting from Parents, Brittany Hoffer, Ph.D., Instructuring Occupational Therapy, recommends that children form clay into various forms and letters, to prepare them to learn to write at school.

V. Train To Accompany Daily Schedule

At the time of schooling, children must be able to change their daily routine so that they don't feel surprised. Should, live from a long time before entering school and try to make a daily agenda that must be obeyed by the child.

That is, you must be able to start making a routine agenda that does not change at home. For example, when he wakes up, takes a shower, has breakfast, takes a nap, plays, and sleeps at night. With an orderly routine, children will get more used to various activities at school later.

Not only that, you can also hide coins or beads and ask him to find them. These various activities can trigger dexterity and strength of children's hands. You can also try to form children to get more used to and get more used to the spirit of school.

In addition to the steps above, you also need to know how to prepare Child Education Funds from PAUD to Lectures.

So after knowing the preparation of children to enter kindergarten school, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!