KPK Denies Administrative Error When Confiscating PDIP Secretary General Hasto's Cellphone From Kusnadi

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has denied that there was an administrative error in the process of confiscating goods belonging to the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto and his staff, Kusnadi, regarding the Harun Masiku case.

This was conveyed by KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika in response to the statement of Kusnadi's lawyer, Petrus Selestinus, who stated that KPK investigators admitted that there was an error in writing the date of Hasto's cell phone confiscation. He said the team working was fully administrative, such as confiscated minutes and receipts that had been signed by both investigators and Kusnadi.

"So there is no administrative error in the confiscation process," Tessa said in a written statement, Thursday, June 20.

However, Kusnadi actually brought a receipt document which was still in the form of a correction or not final result. "Meanwhile, the final receipt that has been signed by the witness and the investigator has not been brought," he said.

Kusnadi, continued Tessa, at that time he came out to accompany Hasto who conducted interviews with journalists. So that the intention was canceled and would actually be carried out during the Kusnadi examination schedule as a witness.

"In accordance with the rules, any confiscation is carried out by reports to the Council as a form of accountability, and this has been done by investigators," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.

"That on June 19, 2024, apart from being examined as a witness, a final receipt was also handed over, which was wrongly brought by witness Kusnadi. And the person concerned has received the intended receipt," continued Tessa.

As previously reported, Petrus Selestinus, who accompanied Kusnadi after the examination, said that investigators named Priyatno apologized to his client. This figure, he said, admitted that many mistakes were made in the process of searching for evidence related to fugitive Harun Masiku.

"Many things that were also recognized as mistakes from the investigators, Priyatno himself acknowledged," said Petrus to reporters at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, June 19.

"And they apologize that in the future it will not happen again," he continued.

This lawyer also asked the KPK to replace the investigator who handled Kusnadi. Petrus said that it should not be Kompol Rossa Purbo Bekti because he had committed a violation when he confiscated Hasto and Kusnadi's cellphones.

"For us, as long as Rossa doesn't because of the methods that Rossa has done as told by Kusnadi's experience on June 10 yesterday, it seems very clear that he has his own agenda," he said.