Truck Collision Of Ambulance Car Carrying Baby In Cileungsi Bogor

A truck crashed into an ambulance belonging to Tlajung Udik Village that crossed Jalan Raya Transyogi Cileungsi, Bogor Regency, Wednesday, June 19 night. As a result, the ambulance was crushed in the front.

In this incident, the ambulance was carrying a baby patient and two midwives who were about to go to the hospital.

The accident occurred when an ambulance was traveling from the direction of Cikuda Wanaherang to Jalan Raya Transyogi Cileungsi. Just at the BPM T-junction when he was about to cross, a wing box truck appeared.

Although all the vehicles have been stopped by parking attendants to prioritize ambulances, the wing box truck did not stop or give way, until the accident finally occurred.

"A moment before the incident, all the vehicles were stopped by the parking attendant. When I entered, suddenly the truck didn't stop and crashed," said the ambulance driver, Abdul Qodir.

There were no fatalities in the accident. All ambulance passengers, who were infant patients, two fields, and the baby's parents, were transferred to another ambulance to continue their journey to the hospital.

Meanwhile, the two vehicles involved in the collision were secured to the Gakkum Laka Lalu Cileungsi Unit, Bogor Police.