Not Ijeck, Golkar Officially Supports Bobby Nasution Forward Cagub North Sumatra

JAKARTA - The Golkar Party officially supports Bobby Nasution running as a candidate for governor (cagub) of North Sumatra.

This support was conveyed by the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, during a meeting between the Chairman of the North Sumatra Golkar DPD, Musa Rajeksah and the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution at his residence on Jalan Widya Chandra III, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 19.

On this occasion, Bobby conveyed that Musa Rajeksah (Ijeck) was included in the candidate as cawagub to accompany him in the 2024 North Sumatra Pilkada.

"Alhamdulillah, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Golkar Party for their support, asking for support from the Golkar Party so that I can run for the governor of North Sumatra," Bobby said after the meeting.

"And thank God this afternoon, a letter of assignment was given from the general chairman, and it was conveyed earlier that a letter of recommendation would be given if there was a candidate for deputy governor," he continued.

Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto said Bobby Nasution had been supported by five political parties in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM). Airlangga also invited Bobby to choose a cawagub from the Golkar Party.

"Mr. Bobby is already supported by 5 parties, including from KIM, namely Gerindra, PAN, Democrats, and Golkar," said Airlangga.

"I was accompanied by Mr. Doli waketum for winning the election, the chairman of North Sumatra province, Mr. Ijeck, then from Mr. Menpora Dito Ariotedjo and there is a new candidate for mba Sekar. Mba like this is Ms. Sekar Tandjung. So there is a relationship with North Sumatra. And the Golkar party has several young cadres who can later be chosen to accompany Bobby," he continued.

Airlangga emphasized that the Golkar Party was unanimous in supporting Bobby in the upcoming North Sumatra gubernatorial election.

"It seems that most parties will join so that with the existing strength and based on the results of a survey conducted by the Golkar party, God willing, this Golkar party will have a superior position," said Airlangga.