North Sumatra Police: 15 Medan Polrestabes Personnel Who Entered The DPO Have Been Disrespectfully Fired

The North Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) stated that as many as 15 personnel from the Medan City Resort Police (Polrestabes) had been fired or dishonorable dismissal (PTDH), which previously had a viral photo of personnel with a wanted list (DPO).

"The 15 people have been detained by PTDH or dismissed based on an ethics trial conducted by the Medan Polrestabes," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi in Medan, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 19.

The 15 police officers already have the status of being fired or are no longer active in service.

Of the 15 personnel who were fired, including committing disciplinary violations such as not entering the office 50-60 working days, in the end, disciplinary action was given.

"Regarding the criminal act that was committed, it was after or after the PTDH trial was decided," he said.

In the case carried out by the police, Hadi said that according to data in 2018 and 2020 disciplinary actions were taken, then dismissals were carried out in 2022 and 2023.

Regarding the spread of the DPO, according to Hadi, his party has the spirit of openness not to tolerate members who are guilty or violate the code of ethics to take firm action.

He said the National Police continues to take steps to give trust to the community by prioritizing humanist personnel, whether, providing services to the community or providing the best solutions to residents.

The circulating photo that reads the list of wanted persons (DPO) of Polri personnel has left the Medan Polrestabes unit service for those who know to contact the Head of Propam Polrestabes Medan. The 15 personnel, including Bripka AG, Aiptu S, Brigadier H, Bribda H, Brigadier R.