Re-voting For DPD Candidates In West Sumatra Held July 13

JAKARTA - The people of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) who have the right to vote will return to voting (PSU) on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

This is a follow-up to the General Elections Commission (KPU) on the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the dispute over General Election Results (PHPU) for the 2024 Legislative Election.

PSU in West Sumatra is only carried out for one ballot, namely the 2024 DPD Legislative Election.

The PSU schedule has been determined through KPU Decree Number 768/2024 which was signed by KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari on Friday (14/6).

"Vocation and re-voting at Tps, Saturday, July 13, 2024," as quoted by ANTARA through the Indonesian KPU Decree 768/2024, Wednesday, June 19.

This PSU in West Sumatra occurred because the Constitutional Court granted the request of a former corruption convict, Irman Gusman, whose name was crossed out in the list of permanent candidates or dct for members of the Regional Representative Council (DPD).

"Declaring that the results of the votes acquired by candidates for members of the West Sumatra Provincial DPD must be re-voted," said Chief Judge Suhartoyo in the Court courtroom, Monday (10/6).

In legal considerations, the Constitutional Court considered that Irman Gusman should have followed up on the Jakarta Administrative Court Decision 600/2023, namely revoking the KPU Decree 1563/2023 and then issuing a decision regarding the determination of the Petitioner to be included in the DPD members' Permanent Candidate List (DCT).

"According to the Court, the Respondent should follow up on the Jakarta Administrative Court Decision 600/2023," he continued.

The Constitutional Court stated that the non-compliance with the KPU had injured the constitutional rights of citizens who should have met the requirements to be elected.

Therefore, in order to restore the constitutional rights of citizens who have met the requirements to be elected in the DPD Election contestation and for the sake of fair legal certainty, the Constitutional Court issued a decision granting all of Irman Gusman's requests.