4 Dangers That Lurk If You Often Use Sugar Scrubs On Your Face

JAKARTA - Exfoliation plays an important role in skin care. The process helps remove dead skin cells and clean pores while reducing the appearance of acne, fine lines, and wrinkles. Regular exfoliation also allows better serum penetration and moisturizer to work more effectively.

However, there are right and wrong ways to exfoliate the skin, especially in sensitive areas such as the face. A lot of damped sugar scrub might help reduce dull skin in other parts of the body, but this type of scrub is too hard for facial skin.

The rough nature of the sugar scrub makes it too hard for facial skin. This material can cause small rips on the skin and cause damage, especially if you use regular sugar.

Using a sugar scrub on the face can cause:

This side effect does not only apply to sugar scrubs that you can buy in stores or online. But also in homemade scrubs, even if you use finer grains of sugar and brown sugar. The rule to keep in mind is to avoid the use of sugar crystals throughout the face.

Instead of focusing on scrubs, it is better for you to use ingredients with lighter ingredients to exfoliate the skin. These ingredients are;

Hydroxy alpha acid (AHA)

AHA, including sitrat acid, lactic, and glycolate, removes skin surface cells to help improve the appearance and feel of your skin. Instead of abrasive particles, this product with acid dissolves dead skin cells. Although most commonly used for anti-aging problems, AHA is also beneficial for skin prone to acne.

hydroxy beta acid (BHA)

The most famous BHA is salicylic acid, which works by soluting dead skin cells in your pores. Salicylic acid is widely available in toner, cleaning, and lotion. Make sure to only use one product that contains salicylic acid at a time to prevent irritation and peeling skin.

Mechanical exfoliate

Mechanical exfoliate is cleaning dead skin cells with the help of tools. You can use a soft wash or cleaning brush specifically designed for the face to lift the dead skin. A gentle massage using the tool in the face area, avoid brushing too hard.

Whatever exfoliation technique you choose, it is important to use moisturizers that match the skin type afterwards to prevent the face from becoming dry. Avoid exfoliating more than once or twice a week because it can damage the skin.