Cyber Observer About Elaelo: Made By Children Of The Nation But Violates The Law

JAKARTA - Elaelo, a social media platform that is predicted to be a substitute for X, which is threatened with being blocked by the Indonesian government, still raises many question marks among netizens.

What is Elaelo?

Elaelo is a social media platform that emerged after news from the Ministry of Communication and Information said he would block X if he still allowed pornographic content on his platform.

Elaelo became crowded among social media users because he claimed to be the work of the nation's children and also the official website made by Kominfo.

Not an official government-made site

But in reality, the claim made by Elaelo as the official government was directly denied by the Director General of Information and Public Communication, Usman Kansong.

Usman emphasized to VOI via text message that the site was not made by the Government or Kominfo. Elaelo's site is not made by the Government or Kominfo.

Potential cyber hazard

After a lot of news emerged about the rebuttal, the site, which originally reads 'Uner construction by Kominfo,' has now turned into 'Under Construction by Democracy Fighters.'

In addition, cybersecurity observers from Alfons Tanujaya are also wary of their users using Elaelo. Because according to him, one of Elaelo's admins has taken unethical actions and tends to be against the law.

"One of Elaelo's admins manipulated news from a leading news portal by deliberately turning news titles into fake news that Elaelo was recommended by Kominfo," said Alfons.

The news titles that have been manipulated and distributed are Residents of the Republic of Indonesia are asked to change social media to, Kominfo wants to block X. In fact, the real news title is Resident of the Republic of Indonesia is asked to change social media, Kominfo wants to block X

"After seeing this fact, are you still considering using catfish, please choose in your own hands," continued Alfons.

Until this writing is written, it is not known for sure who the developer and creator of the website is. However, all users are advised to remain careful in social media, especially in sharing their personal information and data.