What Is Strawberry Moon? This Is Understanding, Different From Other Purnama, As Well As Schedule

YOGYAKARTA What is Strawberry Moon can be understood as one of the natural phenomena in the form of a full moon. This phenomenon is quite unique considering that it is actually associated withrowberry fruit. So what is so special about this phenomenon?

Strawberry Moon is the name for the full moon that occurs in June. Visually, this phenomenon is not much different from the phenomenon of another full moon which is in the form of full lunar appearance. It's just that the naming of the Strawberry Moon in its history has its own unique events.

Reporting from the official NASA website, in the 1930s a farmer's ummah in Maine (a state of the United States) at that time had the names "India" to mention the Full Moon.

According to the farmers' nature, June is a very short strawberries harvest season in the northeastern United States. So that the full moon that appears in June is associated with the harvest of strawberries, from there it is called the Strawberry Moon.

Basically there is no difference between the Strawberry Moon phenomenon and the regular full moon. What distinguishes it is only the mandate and traditions that occur in various countries that happen in the United States, when the full moon of June occurs, people will start harvesting especially wild▁pusats.

Meanwhile, in other areas, for example in ancient Europe, the full moon moment was named by Mead or Honey Moon. Measles is a honey fermented drink mixed with water, fruit, spices, and seeds. Usually in the full moon of June, people will start harvesting the previously fermented drinks.

The full moon of June is also named by another native American as Berries Ripen Moon, Green Corn Moon, to Hot Moon. Meanwhile, the indigenous people Anishinaabeg or Ojibwe in Great Lakes, North America called it Waabigni Giizis or the Mekar Moon.

Reporting from Space, the full moon of Strawberry Moon will peak on Friday, June 21, 2024 at around 9:08 p.m. Eastern Summer Time (0108 UTC 22 June), according to the US Naval Observatory.

However, this natural phenomenon will still be seen as well as the previous day, namely Thursday, June 20 and Saturday, June 22 at 01.08 GMT.

This full moon will be close to the June or Solstis turning point, so that it can create very real visuals. This means that we can see the moon directly brightly at night.

This full moon can be seen from some areas in Indonesia but only if it is not covered by clouds or avoid other weather disturbances. People can enjoy natural phenomena more clearly using tools such as telescopes.

That's information related to the Strawberry Moon. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.