Anekdot Text Structure And How To Build It, A Form Of Satire And Smooth Criticism

YOGYAKARTA - Text of anecdotes is one type of text in Indonesian science. This type of text is taught in Indonesian language subjects at the high school level. Understanding the structure of the text of anecdotes and its language elements is very important for writing skills and understanding reading.

Before studying further the structure and how to compose anecdotal text, first understand what anecdotal text is? In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), anecdotes are interesting short stories because they are funny and impressive. The content of the text is usually about important or famous people and departs from actual events or events.

However, anecdotic text is not just a funny story or a mere humorous story. In anecdotal text there are certain values or meanings that can be used as lessons. That's why this text is often used to express criticism or satire, but in a subtle or indirect manner.

Drafting or compiling anecdotic text may not be easy, especially for those who are not used to it. Therefore, you need to understand the structure of the anecdotal text and its language elements.

Anekdot text does not only contain funny stories or humor, but in it there are certain meanings or values. So indeed compiling anecdotic text is not easy because it is not just a joke.

There are several parts or structures of anecdotic text that need to be understood in order to be able to easily and well compose this text. Anecdot text is the same as the form of narration text containing characters, backgrounds, and grooves. In addition, the recitation of anecdotal text can also be in various forms such as dialogue and illustrated stories.

The following is the structure of anecdotic text that must be known and understood how to compile it:

Abstract is the initial part of the anecdot text that functions to provide an overview of the text content. Usually, this section highlights unique things that will be discussed. Abstracts can be called opening, but this part is optional.

Orientation is a piece of text that explains the beginning of a story or the background of an event. Usually, the author provides details in this part that lead to a crisis, conflict, or main event. The function of this orientation part is to build text and trigger the crisis.

The section of the crisis in the text shows the unique and unusual problems experienced by the author or the characters told. This crisis means that when there is dissatisfaction or irregularity. In this section, intriguing and laughter-guided chaos occurs and makes it the core of anecdotal events.

This section explains how writers or figures in the story resolve problems that arise in parts of the crisis. The reaction relates to the response or response to the crisis that has been mentioned previously.

This reaction can be in the form of a denouncing or laughing attitude. This section is often surprising and unexpected, providing problem solving in an interesting and unusual way.

Koda is the final part of the story that concludes the events presented by the author. Koda serves as a closing signaling the end of the story.

In the Koda section it can contain consent, comments, or explanations about the intent of the story that has been described. This section is usually marked by words like "that's it," "even then," or "demic." The existence of the Koda is optional, it can exist or is not in anecdot text.

Anecdot text has a number of elements of language as follows:

By knowing the structure and elements of the language, now you understand more about how to make anecdotal text. Here are steps to prepare anecdotal text that you need to be able to serve as a guide:

That is the explanation of the anecdotic text structure and the language elements that must be in it. Anecdotic text can be made and conveyed when you want to criticize or insinuate a problem smoothly. Also read what non-fictional text is.

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