6 Benefits Of Kelor Leaves For Women, From Skin Health To Reproduction

YOGYAKARTA - Kelary leaves are known as plants with various health benefits. In addition, kelor leaves also have their own properties for women. These small round-shaped leaves help maintain the health of the skin, hair, and female reproductive organs.

Kelor leaves are easy to find in the yard of a house or plantation in Indonesia. Plants originating from India do grow a lot in the tropics. People usually use these leaves as food ingredients. In addition, kelor leaves have also been processed as traditional medicine for a long time.

Kelor leaves are known to store a variety of nutrients and compounds that play a good role in health. These leaves are consumed in various ways, ranging from mixtures of drinks such as tea, supplements, to being used as face masks. So what are the benefits of kelor leaves for women that are important to know?

There are various nutrients contained in kelary leaves, ranging from protein, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magensium, and iron. In addition, in this leaf there are also high levels of bioactive compounds, such as phytosterol and flavonoids.

Thanks to these various ingredients, kelor leaves are often used as herbal medicine in overcoming women's health problems. Here are a number of the benefits of kelor leaves for women:

One of the important ingredients found in kelor leaves is vitamin C. The presence of vitamin C makes kelor leaves also beneficial for skin health. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that can protect the skin from damage due to ultraviolet light exposure and pollution.

Women who want to get healthy and beautiful skin can naturally eat kelor leaves. You can use kelor leaves to drink or as face masks to make the skin look younger and free from acne.

Kelor leaves are also believed to increase milk production. This benefit is obtained thanks to phytosterol compounds that can help facilitate the production of breast milk in women. However, to increase breast milk production, you are also advised to drink adequate water, routinely breastfeeding babies, and pump breast milk regularly.

Normal delivery can cause vaginal rips due to stretching or very strong stress on the birth canal while straining. A study says that consuming hyacinth leaf extract for 7 consecutive days can speed up the healing of torn wounds after normal childbirth.

The benefits of kelor leaves for healing birth wounds are believed to come from vitamins A and vitamin C. Both nutrients are needed by the body to help produce collagen and repair skin tissue, so that torn wounds can recover faster.

Having healthy, thick, soft, and shiny hair is every woman's dream. One method to treat hair health naturally is to use hair masks from kelor leaves.

Kelor leaves contain vitamin A which can help strengthen and protect hair from damage. In addition, kelor leaves also contain vitamin B which is known to prevent loss and stimulate healthy hair growth.

Research shows that phytoestrogen content, flavonoids, and other compounds in kelor leaves can increase estrogen hormone levels. These hormones play an important role in women's health, ranging from controlling the menstrual cycle, finalizing eggs, and preparing the uterus for pregnancy.

Another benefit of kelor leaves for women is the prevention of uterine infection. The antibacterial contained in these leaves is able to fight and kill the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli which are the causes of endometric or uterine infection.

However, until now there has been no research that can ensure the effectiveness and safety of using kelor leaves as a treatment for uterine infection. The benefits of this kelor leaf still require further research.

Those are some of the benefits of kelor leaves for women as herbal medicine. With various benefits as above, kelor leaves are very good for women to consume. Also read the benefits of kelor leaves for beauty.

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