Atta Halilintar's Simple Reason For Not Botting His Hair When Tahallul After Completing Hajj

JAKARTA - The couple Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah have completed the entire series of Hajj services. This was revealed by Aurel and Atta through uploads on their respective Instagrams.

"Alhamdulillah, O Allah. After the Hajj series, we have @attahalilintar. We'll tell you about the experience of our first Hajj. MasyaAllah tabarakallah, it's amazing," wrote Aurel Hermansyah, quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Wednesday, June 19.

Likewise with Atta Halilintar. He wrote about the feeling of not expecting him because he could perform the Hajj at a fairly young age, which was under 30 years old.

"Alhamdulillah, our Hajj series has been completed. Never thought that under 30 years of age Allah would call us to perform the pilgrimage," said Atta Halilintar on his personal Instagram.

Furthermore, Atta hopes that after this pilgrimage, he and his wife can become better people.

"Ask us, O Allah, and may we become better human beings, which are more useful to many people," he continued.

Even though he had completed the Hajj pilgrimage, Atta did not seem to have his head cut off when carrying out the Tahallul which was marked by shaving or shaving hair for the Hajj pilgrims.

This was questioned by one of Atta's younger siblings, Sohwa Halilintar in the comments column. It didn't take long for Atta to immediately answer the reason for not doing Tahallul.

"No bald bro?," asked Sohwa Halilintar.

"Many of his brothers are tired of waiting in line," said Atta Halilintar.