Danareksa Distributes 212 Sacrificial Animals To 16,000 Families In 8 Cities In Indonesia

PT Danareksa (Persero) together with its members held another 'Curban Together with Holding BUMN Danareksa' program by distributing 212 sacrificial animals consisting of 68 cows and 144 goats to more than 16,000 beneficiary families in the neighborhood around the Danareksa BUMN Holding Members, namely in Medan, Jakarta, Purwakarta, Semarang, Batang, Surabaya, Malang, and Makassar.

The 212 sacrificial animals came from Perum Jasa Tirta I, PT Balai Pustaka, PT Danareksa Capital, PT Indra Karya (Persero), PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung, PT Jalin Payment Nusantara, PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara, PT Kawasan Industri Makassar, PT Kawasan Industri Medan, PT Kawasan Industri Wijayakusuma, PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia, PT Nindya Karya, PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset, PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut, PT Virama Karya (Persero), and PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang.

The ceremony for handing over sacrificial animals was held at the Darusalam Mosque, PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara, Cakung, Jakarta, and attended by Deputy BAZNAS RI Imdadun Rachmat, President Director of PT Danareksa (Persero) Yadi Jaya Ruchandi and Director of Risk Management of PT Danareksa (Persero) Avianto Istihardjo accompanied by President Director of PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara Agus Hendardi, President Director of PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia Budi Susanto; President Director of PT Kawasan Industri Makassar Alif Abadi, President Director of PT Industrial Estate Medan Daly Mulyana, President Director of PT Kawasan Industri Wijayakusuma Ahmad Fauzie Noor, Director of Business Development & HR PT Nindya Karya Edward Batubara; Director of Marketing and Development of PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut Silvester Budi Agung; Director of Commercial PT Jalin Payment Nusantara Eko Dedi Rukminto; and Director of PT Virama Karya (Persero) Merlany Legitasary. In distributing sacrificial animals, BUMN Holding Danareksa cooperates with BAZNAS RI.

"BUMN Holding Danareksa is committed to providing benefits to the community wherever we are, including with this Joint Sacrifice where all members of the Danareksa BUMN Holding spread across Medan, Jakarta, Purwakarta, Semarang, Batang, Surabaya, Malang, and Makassar. This program is also a support for the government's efforts to reduce poverty and improve the welfare of the people in Indonesia, "President Director of PT Danareksa (Persero) Yadi Jaya Ruchandi in a statement to the media, Tuesday 18 June.

Just so you know, this Joint Sacrifice Program is the annual program of Holding BUMN Danareksa, where since 2023 it has collaborated with BAZNAS RI as a government institution that receives and distributes zakat & infaq from muzaki for mustahik in need. Apart from BAZNAS RI, BUMN Holding Danareksa also cooperates with local communities and institutions as a form of collaboration to encourage community involvement in order to support and provide added value for all parties.

"We hope that this program is not only to foster relations between BUMN Holding Members Danareksa and the surrounding community, but is also expected to provide benefits to many parties, including small-scale breeders and encourage local economic growth," concluded Yadi.