Jakarta Transportation Agency Will Increase CFD Security After Runners Are Snatched
JAKARTA - The Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) will increase security in the car free day (CFD) area. This step was taken after a runner was snatched and the moment was caught on camera on Sunday, June 16.
"We will further increase supervision in the field," said Head of Traffic Control and Operations (Dalops) and Road Transportation of the Jakarta Transportation Agency.
In addition,menyebut pihaknya akan mengusut dari mana penggemat itu masuk ke area CFD dengan menggunakan motor. Sebab, sesuai aturan ruas jalanan tersebut seharusnya bebas kendaraan bermotor.
"In the location of the HBKB starting at 06.00 WIB-10.00 WIB, vehicles are not allowed to pass (both four wheels and two wheels, red)," he said.
"We will check at what time the motorcyclist enters the location of the HBKB and from which road it enters and under conditions or circumstances, whether the driver enters the location of the HBKB because all guard points have been assigned by members," continued fire.
Meanwhile, the photo of the mugging's moment was also uploaded by the @zakwanoe account. It was seen that there were two people riding together who recently took the runner's belongings.
"This morning, Sunday, June 16, 2024, there was a robbery at CFD Jakarta. The face of the perpetrator was caught on a photographer's camera," he tweeted.
'Plat B3983 PFB Beat Sporty. Photos can be obtained from forward from group running. Maybe anyone knows?' continued the account @zakwanoe.