US, Canada, Japan And The Philippines Joint Exercises In The South China Sea

JAKARTA - The United States, Canada, Japan, and the Philippines held joint maritime exercises for two days in Manila's exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea.

The maritime cooperation exercise aims to "visit freedom of navigation and aviation", reiterating the commitment of the four countries to strengthen regional security and stability, the US Pacific Fleet said.

Joint drills involve four warships and a series of maritime maneuvers to test and validate the tactics, techniques, and procedures of the armed forces, he added.

In April, the Philippines carried out joint maritime activities with Japan, Australia, and the United States.

The Philippines has turned to countries supporting its claims in the South China Sea to counter what Manila sees as China's growing aggressiveness, which claims almost the entire strategic waterway.

Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam are competing to claim sovereignty in parts of the South China Sea, a path that goods worth US$3 trillion annually.