OPM Member Danis Murib Who Was Shot Dead In Central Papua Turns Out To Be A TNI Deserter

PAPUA - Regional Joint Operations Command (Kogabwilhan) III shot dead a TNI desert in Bibida District, Paniai Regency, for having carried out Yudha by leaving Pos Moaenemani Baru, District, Dogiyai Regency, Central Papua Province, since April 14, 2024.The Commander of the Joint Regional Defense Command (Kogabwilhan) III Lt. Gen. Richard Tampubolon said Denis Murib was the last TNI desert with the rank of second soldier (Prada), and served in the Battalion 527/Baladibbya Task Force Yudha Kodam V/Brawijaya who carried out military operations in Papua."The success of TNI soldiers shooting Danis Murib shows professionalism in carrying out their duties, as well as adding to the names of members of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) who have died in the hands of the TNI," he said in a release in Timika, Antara, Monday, June 17.According to Richard, the success of soldiers shooting OPM, which is a TNI decert, has a very positive impact in maintaining security stability for the smooth running of the development acceleration process in Papua."The TNI detector Danis Murib left his duties in your District, Dogiyai Regency, on April 14, 2024, at 10.20 WIT," he said.He explained that on Monday, June 17, 2024 he ordered the Commander of the Operations Command (Koops) of the Habema TNI, along with the Commander of the Operations Implementing Command (Dankolakops), Kopassus Nanggala Troop Command to continue the pursuit of the OPM group led by Undius Kogoya."After the criminal act carried out by the OPM Group Undius Kogoya in Bibida District, TNI troops continued to pursue until they shot dead the TNI desert," he said again.
He added that the criminal act carried out by the OPM group led by Undius Kogoya in Bibida District on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, was to shoot civilians, then flee to East Paniai District, Paniai Regency."Operation TNI pada Jumat, 14 Juni 2024 telah berhasil merebut kembali District Bibida, Kabupaten Paniai yang selama ini dikua oleh OPM dan menembak desertir TNI yang menjadi anggota OPM," ujarnya lagi.