Aceh Centers Eid Prayer 1445 Hijri At Open Fields

BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Government through the UPTD of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque has determined that the Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijri prayer is centered in the open field of Blang Padang, Banda Aceh.

"We will focus the Eid al-Adha prayer again in the Blang Padang field," said Head of UPTD Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Saifan Nur, in Banda Aceh, Saturday.

He said the implementation of Eid al-Adha was mandated by Ustadz Miswar Muhammad, and those who acted as preachers were Vice Chancellor IV for Cooperation and Development of the State Islamic University (UIN) of North Sumatra Prof. Muzakkir MA.

For information, the Deputy Chancellor of UIN North Sumatra is the son of Aceh who was born in Lhokseumawe who is currently also a professor in Tasawuf Science at the Faculty of Ushuluddin and UIN Islamic Studies in North Sumatra.

In his sermon later, said Saifan, Prof. Muzakkir delivered a lecture with the topic "Hajj and Sacrifice Rights in Building Piety and Humanity".

He said that currently the committee is finalizing all preparations such as determining the direction of Qibla, installing the khatib stage, loudspeakers, and providing ablution places.

"Including the parking and engineering scenario for the road to the prayer location so that it doesn't get jammed later, we have also prepared it," he said.

Then, he continued, even though ablution places had been prepared, he still appealed to the congregation of Eid al-Adha to first pray from home, and bring their respective prayer mats.

"Hopefully the congregation first holds ablution at home so that there is no accumulation (of queues)," he said.

He also reminded the congregation to arrive early considering that prayers will be carried out starting at 07:30 WIB, and it is recommended to bring a two-wheeled vehicle to avoid congestion.

On this occasion, he also said that the implementation of Eid al-Adha prayers in Blang Padang could later move back to the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque (MRB) if it rained.

"If it rains, we will move the Eid al-Adha prayer back to the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque," said Saifan Nur.