Danamon Syariah Prepares Various Financial Solutions For Smooth Worship Without Burden

JAKARTA - PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon) through the Syariah Danamon Syariah Business Unit (Danamon Syariah) continues to be committed to supporting customers' financial needs in various needs including worship. The 2024 Danamon Financial Friday (DFF) episode entitled Buy Qurban Animals So Easy Without Burden is dedicated to discussing various financial challenges and specially adapted solutions (tailors-made) in carrying out the Qurban, Umrah and fifth Islamic pillars for Muslims, namely Hajj.

"The Sharia Danamon understands the importance of financial planning and chooses trustworthy partners to support worship or meet the spiritual needs of Muslims, ranging from Qurban, Umrah to Hajj. Therefore, Danamon Syariah provides financial products and solutions that are adapted to various financial needs and goals of Muslims in Indonesia, based on the principles of sharia, a contract for the results or mudharabah," said Herry Hykmanto, Director of Sharia & Sustainability Finance, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, in a written statement, Saturday 15 June.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the availability of Qurban animals throughout Indonesia for Eid al-Adha 2024 reached 2.06 million heads or a surplus of 88 thousand heads from the needs of 1.97 million heads. Understanding the importance of financial planning for the Qurban, Danamon Syariah offers Savings products Bisa Qurban iB, where customers can save the cost of buying Qurban animals every year with only IDR 50,000 in initial deposits and monthly payments starting from IDR 150 thousand.

Apart from Qurban, Umrah and Hajj are the dreams of almost all Muslims in the world, including in Indonesia. According to the Saudi Arabian Tourism Authority, Indonesia is one of the countries with the Umrah pilgrims and the quota for most pilgrims compared to other countries.

In 2024, Saudi Arabia targets more than 2 million Umrah pilgrims to depart from Indonesia, and based on the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, the quota for Hajj pilgrims continues to increase every year to reach 241,000 this year. This number consists of 213,320 Regular Hajj quotas with a waiting period of 25 - 40 years and 27,680 Special Hajj quotas with a waiting period of 5 - 9 years. The number of quotas for Hajj pilgrims in 2024 is the largest number of pilgrims in the history of Hajj in Indonesia.

Together with Danamon Syariah, customers can plan their finances to carry out Umrah and Hajj services comfortably. For example, with Savings Bisa Umrah iB, customers can save for 6 to 72 months with an initial deposit of only Rp100 thousand and monthly deposits starting from Rp300 thousand.

Meanwhile, for the pilgrimage, Danamon also offers IB Hajj Plan Savings to help customers raise Hajj funds. This product has an initial deposit of IDR 100,000 and monthly deposits ranging from IDR 300 thousand, and is equipped with an auto debit feature.

For customers who want to perform Special Hajj, Danamon Syariah provides payment services in dollars (USD) with an initial deposit of US$4,000. Moreover, Hajj and Umrah planning products in Rupiah currency at Danamon Syariah will automatically receive life insurance protection of up to Rp200 million.

"To provide convenience and convenience for customers in planning their sacred journey, Danamon Syariah provides a variety of clear and credible Hajj planning and travel products. This is because Danamon Syariah is already registered in the Integrated Hajj Computerization System (SISKOHAT) of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, and cooperates with trusted agent travel registered with the Ministry of Religion, so that customers will definitely get a Hajj portion number and can go to the Holy Land," explained Herry.

Furthermore, Herry also explained that this episode of DFF also aims to increase public literacy in various financial instruments including sharia-based financial instruments. Based on the 2022 National Year Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey (SNLIK) conducted by the OJK, the Sharia Financial Literacy Index is still very low, at 9.14 percent.

Meanwhile, the National Financial Literacy Index is 49.68 percent. This shows that there is a significant gap of 40.54 percent between the Islamic and National Financial Literacy index. For this reason, Danamon Syariah is committed to continuing to educate the public about Islamic finance and encourage an increase in Islamic Financial Literacy in Indonesia.

"With the various products and services offered, Danamon Syariah is committed to becoming a preferred banking partner that Muslims in Indonesia can rely on to fulfill their aspirations for worship," concluded Herry.