Due To Health Problems, Jessie J Did Not Appear At David Foster's Concert In Jakarta

JAKARTA - Jessie J could not perform with David Foster at the Premium Music Experience (PME) concert held by OCBC at ICE BSD, Tangerang on Friday, June 14 evening.

Before the concert started, Choky Sitohang as the Master of Ceremony (MC) announced that Jessie J could not appear because of her deteriorating health, even though the singer had been in Jakarta a few days ago.

"We want to inform you that Jessie J is unable to attend tonight, because she is in poor health. So, it's about health issue," said Choky Sitohang.

Then, MC invited spectators present to see the video recorded by Jessie J on the big screen. The 36-year-old singer apologized for having to return to her home in London, England early.

"This is a message to all my fans in Indonesia. You know that I am always honest and open wherever I am. And I want to personally inform you that I am very sorry because I cannot perform tonight with David Foster in Jakarta," said Jessie J.

I know a lot of you have come all the way and bought a ticket. And I feel very sad. But this personal matter means I have to get back to my London home early. I apologize for disappointing you guys, I hope you enjoy the show," he continued.

"I hope to come back again and hold a show (in Jakarta) as soon as possible," hoped Jessie J.