Commission II Of The House Of Representatives Gives Green Light Addition To The ATR/BPN Budget
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Junimart Girsang, gave the green light for the Ministry of ATR/BPN regarding the addition of the budget ceiling to Rp14 trillion.
According to him, Commission II will encourage the addition of the aggregate to the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).
"So we will encourage it because in the commission there are also members of the Banggar (budget agency) to encourage the Ministry of Finance," Junimart told reporters, Friday, June 14.
This is done so that ATR/BPN can work optimally. This is because the land problem intersects directly with the community.
"Not only Rp14 T, I officially asked the ATR/BPN ministry through the Secretary General to re-evaluate it, increase it, in order to support ATR/BPN's work," he said.
In addition, the required large cost budget is considered quite reasonable. This is because the ATR/BPN program requires large costs such as technology procurement.
The program is solely to facilitate certification management services for the community.
"We will communicate with the Banggar DPR RI and we ask that the proud also be able to communicate with the finance ministry in order to meet the work needs. Why is that? Because this land is very dealing with the people," said Junirmat.