When Can Children Eat Spicy? This Is Age Advice To How To Introduce It

YOGYAKARTA The spicy taste of food cannot be separated from the culinary products of the country. Unfortunately, the spicy taste is one of the foods that triggers digestive disorders of the baby and children. To avoid this disturbance, parents must know when children can eat spicy.

It should be noted that the spicy taste used in food is not only limited to chili but can be sourced from other spices such as pepper, garlic, ginger, jintantan, ketumbar, turmeric and other spices.

Parents should know that babies are most likely to be able to feel spicy when they are still consuming breast milk. The reason is, breastfeeding mothers who eat spicy food will also have an impact on the taste of Isa. Although it is not too felt for adults, babies can slowly recognize the spicy taste, reported from the website of the Puri Bunda Mother and Child Hospital.

This means that babies are not really foreign to the spicy taste. They may have felt it even though they were in very few levels. Then at what age can they be introduced scathingly?

Reporting from the Baby Center, parents can introduce spices and spices with spicy taste after the baby can eat snacks, usually at the age of 8 to 10 months. But avoid adding salt or sugar so they want to eat foods that are not too salty or sugary.

The spicy spices that can be introduced at the age of 8 months are also still limited. Parents can introduce the following spices.

Meanwhile, to add a spicy taste from chili, it is recommended to wait for the baby at least one year old. Because children under that age are just starting to get used to staple food so they are still prone to reacting and have more sensitivity to food.

Introducing spicy food to babies must be done in stages, namely from the lightest taste then continuing to the next level.

At the beginning of the introduction, don't use too thick a spice. Just start with a light spice by adding cinnamon or nutmeg. It could also be by inserting jinten or cloves. Also consider the baby's age.

If parents want to add more spicy taste, use food that can be tolerated by the baby and is recognized by the elderly. So that when something happens out of the ordinary, parents can know quickly.

It should be noted that introducing a lot of food to children from an early age helps them be more open to various flavors of cooking to adulthood.

That's information regarding when children can eat spicy. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.