Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Leaves The Key To Permanent Residential Residents Affected By The Palu Earthquake

PALU - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy symbolically handed over the keys to permanent housing (huntap) to some residents who in 2018 were affected by earthquakes, tsunamis, and liquefaction in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala, Central Sulawesi.

"Today, I have handed over the housing keys to prospective permanent residents in the relocation land, both in Palu, Donggala, and Sigi," Muhadjir told reporters in Palu City as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 14.

He congratulated residents who had received housing after losing their homes due to the earthquake.

Muhadjir said the residence was a form of government helping with the help of NGOs and other related parties to ensure that the rehabilitation and reconstruction of residents affected by the earthquake and liquefaction in Central Sulawesi was fulfilled properly.

Muhadjir hopes that as soon as possible all residents affected by the disaster in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala can live in permanent housing, as the target set by the government.

Muhadjir advised residents who had processed the housing to immediately occupy it and not sell it to other parties. Then, he also reminded them to maintain the housing.

"Don't let it become a slum village, but become a modern village, a village that is much more comfortable than when you lived in a long place," he said.

The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also asked residents to do reforestation by planting various plants. In fact, Muhadjir promised to send durian seeds and rambutan to the residents of the huntap.

Previously, on the same occasion, the Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto, said that the construction of permanent residences was in accordance with President Joko Widodo's direction in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 8 concerning Completion of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction after the Earthquake, Tsunami, and Liquifaction Disaster in Central Sulawesi.

In the inpres, President Joko Widodo mandates coordination between the central government and the central government in carrying out post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in Central Sulawesi to completion in 2024.

Iwan said the PUPR Ministry targets that by 2024 there will be 5.598 permanent housing units that have been completed. The latest development, he said, had built 5.216 permanent housing units.

"A total of 5,216 units have been completed. This means that they are ready to live. Which, 4,264 units are ready to hand over the keys, including today," he said.

In the future, Iwan hopes that the Central Sulawesi Regional Government can help accelerate the completion of the permanent housing development through a number of actions, including helping to accelerate the control of the occupancy certificate.

Representing residents who received the key to permanent housing, Ida, one of the disaster-affected residents in Central Sulawesi expressed his gratitude to the government. He hopes that in the future the permanent residential environment can also be equipped with health services such as health centers and houses of worship.