Garbage Piles Up On Jalan Kota Bogor, Acting Mayor: Many Trucks Transporting Damaged

BOGOR - Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari said, the accumulation of garbage that occurred at the Merdeka Market Temporary Shelter (TPS) because a special truck carrying garbage was damaged due to an accident, so that for the time being it could not transport garbage.

"There was a fleet that collided, a fleet specifically for the market, because of its special cooperation with market managers, so it can't just use a fleet to go to settlements, because it also has to serve elsewhere every day," Hery said in his statement, Thursday, June 13.

However, Hery promised to immediately decide on a quick solution and deploy garbage trucks from other points to transport piles of garbage in the area temporarily, after being used elsewhere. Moreover, this is a basic service that must be addressed immediately.

Last night, trash at the Merdeka market and several other points were cleaned. However, because waste production is always available every day, my residents of Bogor City on behalf of the City Government apologize if there are still piles of garbage at market points and others due to delays in transportation and distribution of fleets," he explained.

In the future, his party will immediately discuss with the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) to discuss plans to rejuvenate the garbage transport fleet in Bogor City and medium-term solutions in changes to the 2024 budget and a more fundamental, systemic and sustainability length for the next Mayor.

"It's not just business as usual and a temporary crash program of solutions, when problems arise but repeat themselves later in the day," he explained.

He told some time ago when there was one day of garbage in Bogor City that it was not discussed, together with the Regional Secretary and other ranks conducted a thorough evaluation of governance and directly checked the field to the TPA, as well as coordination with Bogor Regency as well as with BPK.

"My findings in the field the number of limited fleets has no reserves and most of them are on average 6-10 years old and have not been rejuvenated, minimal maintenance and some cases have been forced to provide spare parts, containers and arm rolls to no longer work," he said.

In addition, Hery said that the welfare of the garbage transport officers and drivers had not changed for a long time. There are several aspects of governance and the waste business process that have not been accommodated and may be forgotten so far.

"I searched it for a long time and it was proposed by the Department of Environment many times, but always lost priority by other affairs programs that sometimes were not basic services," said Hery.

"I admit that there are several things that are already good and need to be expanded, namely, related to waste banks. This is a plus from the results of field checks," he said.

Hery also reminded that there are approximately 30 business affairs of local government, both mandatory and supportive, many of which are basic service matters that may not be popular but important.

"This garbage problem is not just a matter of DLH, it's not just the city government, it must involve all residents and stakeholders, maybe this is what the city government should start to touch in the future," he explained.

Officers from the Bogor City DLH went directly to transport piles of garbage at the Merdeka Market Temporary Shelter (TPS), Wednesday night.

The head of the Bogor City DLH, Denni Wismanto, said that his party had transported piles of garbage at the Merdeka Market TPS by deploying as many as 20 cleaners, 6 vehicles, 1 wheel loader.

He said the waste problem at Merdeka Market occurred because of a disaster that befell the garbage truck fleet in the market.

For the time being, DLH will operate a replacement vehicle to temporarily transport the garbage at the TPS, waiting for the main vehicle to be repaired.