Weather June 14, Alert! Jakarta Opportunity Thunderstorms Friday Night

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that on Friday night, June 14, all areas of DKI Jakarta were predicted to experience rain accompanied by lightning.

Data from the official BMKG website monitored in Jakarta, Friday, states that areas in DKI Jakarta consisting of Central, East, West, South, and Thousand Islands will rain from day to night.

On Friday morning, from six areas in Jakarta, cloudy, and cloudy, with an average temperature of 28-30 degrees Celsius.

Moving on during the day BMKG predicts South Jakarta, and the East will rain with light intensity, while other areas will be cloudy.

Shifting at night, all areas of Jakarta are forecasted to rain from light, moderate to midnight all the rain accompanied by lightning.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, in the morning, the areas of South, North, West, East, Central, and Thousand Islands are forecasted for light rain.

For wind speed, all areas of DKI Jakarta, are around 10 kilometers per hour except for the Thousand Islands Regency, which reaches 20 kilometers per hour.

On the same day, the air temperature in Jakarta is predicted to be in the lowest range of 23 degrees Celsius, and a maximum of 31 degrees Celsius.

For the humidity level on the same day, the DKI Jakarta area is estimated to be in the range of 65 to 100 percent.