PPP Failed To Escape To Parliament, Suharso Monoarfa: Responsible Leader

JAKARTA - Former Chairman of PPP, Suharso Monoarfa responded to his party's potentially failing to qualify for Parliament because it did not meet the 4 percent threshold. Suharso assessed that the leadership of the Ka'bah Party should be the most responsible.Suharso was initially reluctant to comment on the possibility of PPP failing to qualify for Senayan again, even though he had already attempted to go to the Constitutional Court (MK)."Ah, I have no comment on that," said Suharso at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, June 13.The Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas also refused to assess the leadership of Plt PPP M Mardiono. However, as a former Ketum, Suharso hopes that PPP can be even better in the next election."Wow, I'm not a proper person, who deserves to judge yes," he said."It's just true, if the Javanese say it's proof. Because I've also been the leader there, then I don't come back, yes, I hope the next one can be even better, that's all," continued Suharso.Even so, Suharso did not agree if Mardiono questioned his failure. Previously, Mardiono's statement about 'Which Mardiono failed?'.Suharso said, as a leader he should be the most responsible for PPP's failure to get more than 4 percent of the vote in the 2024 Legislative Election.
"Yes, I think what is the name, it's not like that, in my opinion. If you want to be responsible, it's the leader who is responsible, right," he concluded.