Adaptability In Digital Communication, Focus On Conferences In Batam

The Mercu Buana University held an International Conference entitled "Fostering Communication for Sustainable Collaboration and Adaptability in the Rapid Digital Transformation" at the Sahid Batam Hotel, Riau Islands, on Tuesday, June 12. This event aims to strengthen the role of communication science in the era of rapid digital transformation.

The Head of the Communication Sciences Master of Mercu Buana University, Heri Budianto, explained that this conference was the second time organized by the Masters of Communication Science Program. "This conference is an important platform for the development of communication science in dealing with global and international issues," he said.

The Dean of the Faculty of Communications, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Mulyana, M.Si, emphasized the importance of this event as part of a biennial routine effort. "We hope that this conference will provide space for academics to share views on the latest issues in the growing communication science," he said in a written statement received on Thursday, June 13.

The Faculty of Communication Sciences at Mercu University, Buana Jakarta, is actively reviewing and developing a curriculum to be in line with technological advances and industrial development. Currently, FIKOM UMB has added a digital perspective on entrepreneurship in the communication science study program, especially at the Doctoral Education level which will be launched soon.

Prof. Ahmad Mulyana added, "The rapid advancement of technology makes adaptation a competitive advantage. Through education that focuses on digital entrepreneurship, individuals will be equipped with relevant skills to keep up with technological and market developments. Digital entrepreneurship encourages creativity and innovation in creating solutions for market needs that continue to grow."

The conference committee has received hundreds of articles from domestic and foreign writers. Selected articles will be published in various journals, including the Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research, the Communication Journal of Indonesian Bachelors of Communications Association, the Journal of Mediators, the Journal of Bricolage, Communicators: Journal of Da'wah and Communication, E-bangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as the journals of FIKOM UMB and projecting conferences.

This conference presents international and national speakers, among others, Prof. Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, SIP, MSi from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, Prof. Kontsevaya Natalia from Financial University, Moscow, Russia, Irene Santoso, Ph.D from far University, New Zealand, Dr. Tuong-Minh Ly-le from the University of Management & Technology, Vietnam, Associate. Prof. Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad from Universiti Nationality Malaysia, and Prof. Dr. Nur Kholisoh, M.Si from Mercu Buana University, Indonesia.

Mercu Buana University held a conference with the theme of digital communication in collaboration with various universities and professional associations, such as the Indonesian Information and Communication Entrepreneurs Professional Association, Putera Batam University, Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta, Riau University, Bandung Islamic University, Multimedia University, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, and Universiti Sain Malaysia. This activity is also supported by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and Batam branch Indosat.