Grace Natalie Will No Longer Be In PSI Structure After Becoming Commissioner Of MIND ID

Grace Natalie admitted that she was no longer in the management structure of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) after officially serving as commissioner of the Indonesian Mining Industry Holding BUMN (MIND ID). Grace's last position in PSI DPP was the deputy chairman of the supervisory board.

"Yes, it's not in the structure anymore," Grace Natalie told reporters, Wednesday, June 12.

This is in line with the provisions in Government Regulation (PP) Number 23 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 45 of 2005 concerning Establishment, Management, Supervision, and Dissolution of SOEs. Article 55 of the PP strictly prohibits political party officials from becoming members of commissioners and supervisory boards.

Article 55 paragraph (1) of the PP states that members of the commissioners and supervisory board are prohibited from being administrators of political parties and/or candidates/legislative members, candidates for heads/deputies of regional heads and/or heads/deputies of regional heads.

It is known that MIND ID's annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS) has determined a change in the composition of the board of commissioners. Fuad Bawazier and Grace Natalie are included in the board of directors. The AGMS approved the honorable dismissal of Jisman Parada Hutajulu as commissioner.