West Java Police Extend Detention Of Peti Setiawan

JAKARTA - The West Java Regional Police have extended the detention period for Pegi Setiawan alias Perong. This was done because the handling of the alleged murder cases of Vina and M. Rizky alias Eky had not yet been completed.

"Regarding the detention period, we have submitted it to the prosecutor's office and the court. We have also penetrated it, and so far as our friends know we are still detaining the suspect PS," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police Kombes Jules Abraham Abast, Wednesday, June 12.

Peti Setiawan alias Perong is known to have been detained since his arrest on May 21, 2024.

However, it was not conveyed in detail about the length of the extension of the detention period for the Setiawan.

So far, it is only said that the investigative team is conducting additional investigations into the suspect in the Vina Cirebon murder case.

"Currently, additional investigations are still ongoing against the suspect PS," said Abast.

In handling the murder cases of Vina and Muhammad Rizky or Eky, the West Java Regional Police have named Pegi Setiawan alias Perong as suspects.

In addition, there were also seven perpetrators, namely Jaya, Supriyanto, Eka Sandi, Hadi Saputra, Eko Ramadhani, Sudirman, and Rivaldi Aditya Wardana, who had been sentenced to life imprisonment.

The other one is Saka Tatal. He has been released from prison after serving 8 years in prison.