Victims Died As A Result Of The LPG Warehouse Fire In Denpasar Becomes 5 People

DENPASAR - The death toll from the LPG warehouse fire on Jalan Cargo II, Ubung Kaja Village, North Denpasar increased by 2 people, bringing the total to 5 people.

"Today's update on the number of victims of burns, two additional patients died. So the total death to date is five people," said Head of Public Relations of the ProfIGNG Ngoerah Hospital / Sanglah Denpasar I Ketut Dewa Kresna, Wednesday, June 12.

The newest victims who died were Petrus Jewarut (31) who died on Tuesday (11/6) at 21.30 WITA, and Robi Aprianus Amput (23) who died on Wednesday (12/6) at 10.30 WITA.

"Petrus suffered burns to the body reaching 80 percent and Robi Aprianus 87 percent," he said.

Petrus and Robi are siblings from Mompol, Golo Lajang Village, Macang Boyfriend District, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Flores.

Dewa Kresna explained that currently there are 11 patients who have been victims of the LPG warehouse fire in Denpasar, from the previous 16 people received by the nurse in the Burn Unit, Sanglah Hospital.

The remaining victims are still critical because of serious burns to the whole body. One person today is planned to undergo burns. So far, no additional patients have been referred to Prof. Ngoerah Hospital/Salah Denpasar.

"A total of 11 people are currently being treated, all of whom are being treated at the burns unit of Prof. Ngoerah Hospital under the Intensive Care and Burns Installation, none of whom are being treated outside the room," he said.

Prof. Ngoerah Hospital also continues to provide assistance to victims, namely handling security, both fluid and basic needs in general as well as handling diseases that may suddenly be like infections and so on.

All the remaining patients still use breathing apparatus.