Russian Missile And Drone Attacks Cause A Fire In Industrial Facilities In Kyiv

JAKARTA - Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian territory on Wednesday morning local time, causing fires at an industrial facility, damaging residences and injuring several people in six areas, according to local authorities.

The Ukrainian military said they shot down five of the six missiles and all 24 drones launched during last night's attack by Russia.

Ukraine's air defense system destroyed all air weapons approaching the capital, Serhiy Popko, the head of military administration of Kota Kyiv on the Telegram messaging app, told Reuters on June 12.

The debris damaged an industrial facility in the Kyiv area, causing a fire, the Kyiv regional governor said. More than 105 people used 30 equipment to extinguish the fire on Wednesday morning.

The airstrike warning lasted for several hours across Ukraine, starting soon after 00.00, including in areas bordering Poland, which is a NATO member.

Polish planes and allies have been activated as a precaution, Polish Armed Forces Operations Command said on social media platform X.

The attack injured one resident and damaged a private residence, garage, gas station, and storage unit, the governor said.

Governor Dnipropxisk said the attack injured three people and damaged nine private residences, reporting the Ukrainian military shot down 11 drones over its territory.