Minister Of Religion Yaqut Asks For Density Mitigation In Muzdalifah Even Though There Is A Murur Scheme

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas asked Hajj officers to continue to prepare mitigation of potential congestion in Muzdalifah despite the Murur scheme."In case, we don't know what happened, there was a density like last year, which was just evacuating the congregation in the middle of the day, what do you think it will do?" said Minister of Religion Yaqut in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Antara, Wednesday, June 12.This statement was made by Minister of Religion Yaqut while reviewing the location of the peak of the hajj in Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina (Armuzna). Especially in Muzdalifah, the Minister of Religion checks the readiness of the maktab, toilet, and other services.Minister of Religion Yaqut paid special attention to the location of the construction of a new toilet in Muzdalifah which claimed up to 2 hectares of land. The construction has an impact on the area of land occupied by the congregation.If last year the land per person was around 54 cm, currently it is only 29 cm if all Indonesian Hajj participants are included in Muzdalifah."Of course, this area does not allow pilgrims to be comfortable to pay, so we take the Murur scheme," he said.Meanwhile, Head of the Saudi Arabian PPIH Arrasyid Array said that if there was a density in Muzdalifah, his party would implement an acceleration of departure from Arafah to Mina."If it is a solid condition, then we will coordinate with PIC in Arafah to speed up the process of departing from Arafah to Mina. If possible, all of them will be irritated," he said.The community, Amin Indragiri, said that the murals in Muzdalifah could be carried out, but that depends on the decision of the Indonesian government.
A total of 55 thousand prospective pilgrims will carry out a Murur scheme. There are four criteria that are prioritized to carry out the Murur scheme, namely the elderly, high-risk pilgrims, disabilities, and their companions.