Drugs Affected By Jelatang Leaves To Get Itchy And Swelling Immediately Red
YOGYAKARTA Drugs exposed to common leaf are actually easy. However, ignorance of overcoming rashes, itching, to swelling caused by common leaf makes the sufferer choose to silence it. Even though common is able to trigger allergies. Then what medicine should be given when someone accidentally touches the common leaf with its feet?
Jelatang has the official name Urtica Dioica. This plant grows a lot in Asia and even Europe. Usually commons grow in moderate to humid areas. The height of this plant can reach 2 meters.
It should be noted that the common leaf can trigger a red rash and itching on the skin. This happens because the leaves are rough with pungent fur (trikoma). This fur will cause a painful sensation that causes a rash.
Usually someone who is hit by commons doesn't notice it. It could be that the person feels pain in his leg and continues to look for the cause of suddenly itching on the skin. If you walk on a plantation with thick grasslime, you may be hit by commons. When exposed to commons' stings, it's a good idea to do some of the following things.
Shortly after the skin comes into contact with the commons, try not to touch it for the first 10 minutes. Because common will emit chemicals that trigger itching. When touched or subject to friction, the itching trigger will get into the skin and trigger even more severe reactions, reported by Healthline.
Allowing the skin that is hit by commoners will trigger dry rashes so that it is easier to get rid of later.
If it's been 10 minutes, you can clean the area that is exposed to common water and soap. This step will also help reduce pain, itching, and swelling that occurs. If there is no soap and water, you can use a clean cloth and then gently moisturize it on the skin until it feels clean.
It is important to remove common fiber on the surface of the skin because the fiber is part of the itching trigger and rash. The way to remove it is to attach the skin surface with a tape, after which pull the slope slowly. Do it as necessary until the fiber is completely lost.
You can also use soda cake to relieve common cold stings. Baked soda is baselined so that it can neutralize the acid caused by rendang. The trick is to mix soda cake with cold water. After that, pour it on the part that is stung with a soft and clean cloth. Leave it for a moment and then clean it with water.
In some cases the rash and swelling caused by commoners can last longer. To relieve it, you can compress the surface of the skin with cold water or crocodile's tongue. It is recommended not to rub it, just wipe it slowly so that the impact does not spread.
If the redness and itching do not improve after a few hours, you can apply cream, lotion, or controls that contain hydrocortison. The content will help relieve red, itchy, and swelling.
That's information related to drugs exposed to common leaf. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.