Avoid Drinking Morning Coffee When Consuming Anti-Corruption Drugs Or Pain Pereda

YOGYAKARTA If you have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning, try to think about it again, especially when you have to take prescriptions for anti-inflammatory drugs or pain relievers. Like when you have to drink ibuprofen, without realizing it, it can increase the effect of the drug if you drink coffee.

Even though you drink pain and anti-inflammatory drugs not every day, it is very important to know. That when taking certain drugs, it is better to take a break or change the habit of drinking caffeinated drinks, such as coffee. Coffee is a stimulant drink because it contains caffeine. Caffeine as much as 400 milligrams per day is still considered safe. But coffee can interact with many drugs by influencing the way drugs are absorbed, distributed, processed, and issued by the body.

Caffeins in coffee can increase the effectiveness of pain relievers that are sold freely at pharmacies. For example, acetaminophene and anti-inflammatory pain relievers, including kiosks and ibuprofen. But for other important drugs, coffee can cause interactions that lower its potential. Launching Harvard Health, Wednesday, June 12, coffee can reduce drug absorption by making the contents of the stomach more acidic. Caffeins are the main cause of most drug clashes, explained Lina Matta, director of outpatient pharmacies at Brigham Hospital.

"Caffeine can affect all phases of drug travel through the body, but for different reasons. It depends on the cure," Matta said.

But please note, coffee is not the only caffeinated drink. In addition to coffee, black tea and green tea contain 60 to 100 milligrams of caffeine in 16 ounces.

Plus, chocolate contains 10 milligrams of cafes in each ounce of sweet variety and 58 milligrams per ounce in the roast version without sweetener. Also avoid drinking soft drinks, energy drinks, candy, and snacks that contain caffeine along with having to take pain relievers.

In addition to avoiding drinking morning coffee while taking pain and anti-inflammatory drugs, it is important not to drink coffee while taking colds or allergies, taking antidepressant drugs, taking high blood pressure drugs, asthma drugs, preventing or treating osteoporosis, iron supplements for people with anemia, and treating thyroid problems.