Banten Police Name 14 Suspects Of Hunting For The Javan Rhino

SERANG - Banten Police have named as many as 14 suspects in the hunt for Javan rhinos in Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK), Pandeglang, Banten.

"A total of 14 suspects in the hunt for rhinos in TNUK have been named as suspects, six other suspects have been arrested," said Banten Police Chief Inspector General Abdul Karim as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 11.

The perpetrators who are currently being detained at the Banten Police are SN, AT, SR, LL, IS, and SA. Meanwhile, eight other suspects are on the wanted list (DPO) namely SD, ND, IC, HR, SH, KP, RA, and WA.

He said the hunt for this one rhino in TNUK consisted of the first two groups of the initials SA whose cases had already been tried. The two SH groups are currently still on the DPO.

"This arrest operation was carried out with a joint operation with the TNUK Center. Based on the results of the examination, 26 rhinos were successfully killed by the suspects," he said.

The Banten Police also deployed 30 Brimob personnel to carry out patrols in the Ujung Kulon Region which had been carried out since reports of the hunt for the Javan Rhino.

"Until now, the Banten Police are still making efforts to arrest the SH group network, we have also deployed 30 Brimob personnel to carry out patrols in the Ujung Kulon Region," he said.

For their actions, the suspects are subject to Article 21 paragraph (2) Letter a in conjunction with Article 40 paragraph (2) of Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning the conservation of natural resources and their ecosystem in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of five years in prison.