Disecar Soal IKN Masih Nihil Investasi Asing, Bahlil: Prioritaskan Investor Domestic

JAKARTA - Commission VI of the DPR RI is questioning the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia regarding foreign investment or PMA which is still nil in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan (Kaltim).

One of these criticisms was made by a member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives from the PDIP faction, Harris Turino. Harris questioned Bahlil's optimism in attracting foreign investors to IKN. He considered this not in accordance with the facts on the ground.

"The Minister with full confidence said that there would be a lot of foreign investment entering IKN. But if we look at the facts, until now none of me have heard of any foreign investments that have realized their investments in IKN," he said in a meeting with the Minister of Investment, at the DPR Building, Tuesday, June 11.

"What is the promise that you say that foreigners will be in the number of markets," he continued.

Harris also highlighted the limited interest of domestic investors. In fact, he admitted that he found a number of projects to stop at the groundbreaking stage.

"Domestic investment itself is still very limited in number. I see several groundbreakings that stop only at the groundbreaking stage, so existing investments solely rely on investments that use APBN funds," he said.

Responding to this, Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia said that until now the government was still prioritizing domestic investment to enter IKN. As a result, said Bahlil, foreign investment in IKN is still nil.

Bahlil also denied that domestic investment only stopped at the groundbreaking stage. He said there was a domestic investment project (PMDN) that was almost complete.

Investasi yang masuk di IKN sekarang pada tahap pertama itu adalah investasi PMDN semuanya. Belum ada PMA yang melakukan groundbreaking. Kemarin saya baru pulang dari sana (IKN), sebelum lalu. Hotel sudah hampir jadi. Rumah sakit sudah hampir jadi, tuturnya.

Several buildings for basic facilities are also almost finished. And that is all investment from within the country, outside the state budget," he continued.