Yasmine Ow Doesn't Know Aditya Zoni Wants To Give Nafkah To Irish Bella

JAKARTA - Aditya Zoni previously boasted that he would help his brother, Ammar Zoni, to provide a living to Irish Bella after they officially divorced at the Depok Religious Court on February 1.

In that decision, Ammar Zoni was required to pay a living to Irish Bella of Rp. 10 million each month for the needs of their two children.

But unfortunately the condition of Ammar who is in prison for drugs is suspected to be impossible to carry out his obligations. Seeing this, Aditya Zoni finally installed a body to replace his brother's obligations.

"It's easy, God willing, I'm still here, Bang Ammar representatives too. Bang Ammar will also definitely try to get Rp10 million," said Aditya Zoni in the Jakarta area, at that time.

"For example, if you are told to take responsibility, God willing, when I am there, I will definitely give it," he added.

Unfortunately, this was not communicated by Aditya to his wife, Yasmine Ow. Yasmine said that she did not know about her husband's plan.

"I don't know about that, because at that time we were separated. I didn't know about that (planned to support Irish Bella and her child)," he said.

Even so, Yasmine emphasized that the cause of his divorce from Aditya Zoni was not caused by this.

"I can't provide detailed information about what kind of information but what is certain is that it is in the lawsuit," said Yasmine Ow.